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Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research

G5, Swiss Complex, 33, Race Course Road, Bangalore - 560001Website: www.faer.ac.in || E-mail: office@faer.ac.in
Motorola Scholar Awards Programme : 2013-2014


The objectives of the Motorola Scholar Program are :
  • To encourage creativity and innovation amongst the students in polytechnics and engineering institutions across India particularly those in rural and semi-urban areas making them to think and prepare detailed project proposals on areas and topics of relevance.
  • To take up problems of relevance related to
    (a) rural areas
    (b) rural communications
    (c) agricultural information systems
    (d) information flows
    (e) e-governance
    (f) resource utilization
    (g) ecology and rural areas
    (h) watershed development
    (i) use of ad hoc networks
    (j) renewable sources and utilization
    (k) rural planning etc.
  • To award "Scholars" status to meritorious persons based on a rigorous three stage selection process refereed and conducted by experts.
Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER) announces Motorola Scholar program to select scholars from engineering colleges based on a project in the areas of
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Communications
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Rural technologies
  • Health care Technologies
  • Labour saving Technologies for Women
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Applications
Selections will be done by FOUNDATION for ADVANCEMENT of EDUCATION and RESEARCH (FAER).
It consists of two stages.

Stage 1
FAER will receive project proposals from students in engineering colleges, screen them with the help of experts and select projects for funding. An amount up to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- will be reimbursed to each project team after completion of their project.
Stage 2
Selection of "Motorola Scholars" based on the evaluation of the completed projects through a Seminar-cum-Exhibition and best projects will be awarded with Cash Prize and Certificates in Motorola Scholar Awards Presentation Function.
There will be a special award for students from disadvantaged sections.

Dates to remember

Last date for receipt of hardcopy of the proposals for projects. Please send softcopy of the proposal by
Email : office@faer.ac.in
15th October 2013

Project approvals by FAER
15th January 2014

Motorola Scholar Awards

Prize Amount

First Prize
Rs. 75,000/- (Rs. 15,000/- to each Student and Rs. 15,000/- to Project Supervisor)

Second Prize
Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. 10,000/- to each Student and Rs. 10,000/- to Project Supervisor)

Third Prize
Rs. 30,000/- (Rs. 6,000/- to each Student and Rs. 6,000/- to Project Supervisor)

Special Award
Rs. 25,000/- (Rs. 5,000/- to each Student and Rs. 5,000/- to Project Supervisor

Last date for submitting the hardcopy proposal : 15th October 2013
Please send softcopy of the proposal via email : office@faer.ac.in by 15th October 2013

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